A to Z Challenge – Anticipation

A2Z-BADGE [2016]

I have decided to challenge myself to this years A to Z challenge. I heard about the challenge through a fellow writer, and read a few blogs from last years challenge. I wondered if I could write a post everyday. I am on vacation and I am sitting in our hotel room signing up for the challenge. I usually take more than a few hours to decide on entering a contest or challenge, but hey I’m a writer and to become a better writer I have to push myself out of my comfort zone from time to time. So here I am. On the page and will need to be on the page every day, posting everyday. If I can go through the 3 day novel contest, I can do this!

My theme, to keep true form of my posts over the years, my theme comes from Julia Cameron and I’ve chosen my theme to be Writing is a right, very much like Julia’s The Right to Write, I will be challenging myself to why I write, what do I really want to say? What am I doing here on the page every day? Well I’m here writing and that is the most important thing. The anticipation is inspiring me to push myself a little more, to dive deeper into the writing, the craft, the passion of writing.

I hope to hear from you from time to time. What do you want to read about regarding the writing life? What do you anticipate when you are writing, when you are thinking about what to write, what gets you to the page?

Until next time, keep on typing….

Old Manual Typewriter
Old Manual Typewriter

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