Owning up


My daily writing challenge: I am reminded from Julia Cameron about morning pages and what we can discover about ourselves on the page. What we might hide on a daily basis can not hide on the page. You can try, but over time the truth with show up, your dreams, desires, passions, fears, I mean everything will show up.  I have shared my experiences with morning pages before and I have been doing morning pages over six years now. Every morning I see more of myself on the page, there is no hiding, I can try to hide, but I can tell that I’ve held back through out the day. I can not hide from the page, morning pages are part of my meditation practice. Writing means owning up as well;


Owning something also means owning up to something. It means accepting responsibility, which means, literally, responsibility. When we write about our lives we respond to them. As we respond to them we are rendered more fluid, more centered, more agile on our own behalf. We are rendered conscious. Each day, each life, is a series of choices, and as we use the lens of writing to view our lives, we see our choices. ~ Julia Cameron


I am ever so grateful to a dear friend for lending me her copy of the Artist’s Way. I found the book with a sticky note on it ‘For you Marion Ann’ and I didn’t open the book until a month later. I wasn’t ready right away, I “thought” I was doing well, but once I started the journey of the Artist’s Way, I realized I wasn’t well at all, I was holding back and I wanted to break that old behavior and starting with one little step, putting pen to a blank piece of paper was and is the best thing I can do for me.

I also write affirmations in my morning pages, it’s my positive belief, it’s a notion that I plant at the start of my day and I intend to continue that statement throughout the day.


An affirmation is a positive statement of (positive) belief, and if we can become one-tenth as good at positive self-talk as we are at negative self-talk, we will notice an enormous change. Affirmations help achieve a sense of safety and hope. But saying nice things about ourselves is hard to do. If feels pretty awful at first. Try picking an affirmation. For example, “I ____________(your name), am brilliant and prolific potter (painter, poet, or whatever you are).” Write that ten times in a row. ~ Julia Cameron


One of my favorite affirmations is “As I create and listen, I am being led.” also “My creativity is self-healing and healing others.” Pretty big statements, but I believe them. I am being led as I create and listen. When I write, I am healing myself, and one day my creativity may heal others, maybe it’s healing someone now, I don’t know this, but I am writing to share experiences and if those stories help someone else, then I am happy. I am happy to share.

What are you doing to keep yourself motivated with your writing, painting, art? I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, keeping on typing….


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